Episode Summary:

After the briefest of recaps, where Miku again worries about Hibiki, we jump right back into the action of Chris vs Hibiki. We learn that Hibiki’s punch from the end of the last episode packed nearly as much power as Tsubasa’s superb song. Chris’ armor is even struggling to regenerate after taking the single hit. Chris and Hibiki trade a couple more blows before Chris realizes she isn’t getting anywhere. The Nehushtan armor isn’t powerful enough to defeat Hibiki. But Chris has another surprise in store. She explosively ditches the Nehushtan armor and then sings out in the familiar chant of someone activating a symphogear. When the dust clears, we find that Chris somehow has Ichi-bal, a relic stolen from second division some ten years before.

After complaining that she hates singing, Chris breaks out into a harsh set of rock lyrics as she unleashes a rather awe inspiring wave of firepower at Hibiki. All Hibiki can do is run as Chris opens fire with energy crossbows, giant twined double gattling guns, and racks full of micro missiles. But, as the explosions fade, Chris is surprised to find that her attacks were blocked by a large wall of silver and blue metal. “A shield?” she wonders. “A sword.” Tsubasa answers from out of nowhere, standing heroically atop one of her giant Heaven’s Wrath blades. Tsubasa then looks back to the recovering Hibiki and says the words we thought we might never hear. “I need your help.”

Tsubasa leaps down and confronts Chris in close combat, but a flight of Noise attack before she and Hibiki can subdue the troubled girl. Except, they don’t go after Hibiki or Tsubasa this time. Instead, they target a surprised Chris who is only saved thanks to Hibiki’s reckless interference. And here, for the first time in the open, is Finè. She tells Chris she has no further use for her then collects the pieces of the discarded Nehushtan armor and leaves with a distraught Chis chasing after her. Back at Second Division headquarters, we learn that Chris Yukine is a girl who went missing two years ago after having been rescued from a war in South America.

Tsubasa returns to Second Division for the first time since her nearly fatal superb song. While it’s clear that she is still struggling with moving on from Kanade’s death, she is now at least willing to put in the effort to help Hibiki out as a partner instead of an unwelcome replacement.

Hibiki returns to her dorm room where Miku is waiting for her. Miku isn’t just angry with her. She is cold towards Hibiki and is barely willing to talk to her at all. After one short, angry outburst, Miku goes to bed… but chooses to use the normally unused bottom bunk. Things are not looking good at all between Hibiki and Miku.

We then turn to Chris who has apparently been wandering alone through the city all evening. She’s struggling with Hibiki’s claim that people can learn to understand each other if they are just willing to talk. Chris comes across a young brother and sister who have become separated from their father. Surprisingly, Chris helps the pair look for their parent and at one point the little girl she is escorting catches her humming a little tune. But, when asked about it, Chris again states that she hates singing. The three find the children’s father who thanks Chris for her help. When Chris asks the kids how they can get along so well, they tell her sometimes they don’t. But, after they fight they make up and get along again. This seems to give Chris something new to think about.

That night, we see Ryoko dictating some notes to herself about the capabilities and limitations of the Symphogear system. She starts by talking about the things we know about them: That they empower their users but can end up killing them especially when their users use the superb song ultimate attack. She goes on to talk about how Hibiki may be the one Symphogear users who can resist the dangers of the Symphogear thanks to being a fusion of a normal human and a relic. And how this unique fusion even let Hibiki activate Durandal. But, then Ryoko beings talking about how Hibiki could be the proof that humanity is breaking free of some kind of ancient curse put on it by “The Custodians” and might be able to regain control of its fate.

Back at school, Miku is still not talking to Hibiki. When the two’s friends try to help, Miku runs off. When Hibiki catches up to her, Miku apologizes for the way she has been acting, but it’s not a real apology. Instead, Miku tells Hibiki she was so hurt by Hibiki’s actions that she doesn’t think they can remain friends any longer and departs leaving a devasted Hibiki alone on the school roof.

Finally, at the very end, we see Chris return to Finè only to be completely betrayed. Not only does Finè deploy noise to attack Chris, she cruelly attacks Chris’ worldview of using power to stop the powerful from waging war. Chris makes a run for it, but it is unclear whether she will survive!

Episode Impressions: 

I liked this episode a lot. Not only did we get a cool fight sequence with Chris showing her true power, we also got to see the show start to pay off several of the story threads it has been setting up. We got a big turning point for Tsubasa, a big change in Hibiki and Miku’s strained friendship, and I think we’re beginning to see Chris question her own past actions.

This is where I was hoping the show would start to go after building and building the tension between characters for the past several episodes.

Specific Scenes I Loved: 

Chris’s rock/metal Symphogear attack names. Billion Maiden? Mega Death Party? It seems like all of Chris’ attacks are partially named after famous bands. Plus, they look awesome. Those quad miniguns are especially cool!

Tsubasa finally admitting that she needs Hibiki’s help. This one has been a long time coming! Along with it was Tsubasa’s acknowledgement that Chris needed to be treated as something other than an enemy. That trying to kill her was not the correct strategy. By relaxing her rage, Tsubasa was able to fight better and see things clearer.

Getting to see a non-evil side of Chris. She was conflicted and confused after her fight with Hibiki, but she still took it upon herself to help some lost kids find their dad. Chris seems to be something of a kind, decent person when she is apart from Finè.

Songs In This Episode: 

Makyuu Ichaival (Ichaival, the Magic Bow) – Where Hibiki’s songs have been mostly about hope and moving forward, and Tsubasa’s has been about her grief giving her power, Chris’ song is much more harsh and is filled with despair and anger. She sings about ripping out her proverbial wounds in order to forget her past. She sings about how she is someone who can’t be relied on. She sings about how she can’t trust adults and how she has never known their love. At one points she sings something like: “How can you believe in adults like that? I have never never never never known their love!” Yes, this is a song of anger and mistrust and anguish. There’s a thin sliver of a wish to be loved buried in there, but it is almost entirely drowned out by the rest of the lyrics.

Watashi to Iu Oto Hibiki Sono Saki ni (The Sound Called Me Resonates Beyond) – We continue this song at the beginning of the episode, but it soon gives way to Chris’. Nothing new here, I don’t think.

Zettō Ame no Habakiri (Ame no Habakiri, the Ultimate Blade) – Same with Tsubasa’s song. Nothing new. But, wow, it sure was nice hearing it start up as we saw Tsubasa had saved the day!

Themes In This Episode: 

Similar to the end of last episode, we again see Hibiki attempt to talk to Chris rather than fight her. We aren’t noise, we can talk and so we can understand each other, Hibiki reasons. It’s a very interesting mindset when it seems like Hibiki could defeat Chris in battle if she just kept at it. But, Hibiki’s goal isn’t to defeat Chris, it is to help Chris even as they fight.

Tsubasa’s homecoming to Second Division is pretty neat. She is now able to think back fondly to Kanade’s words about being flexible like reeds that bend against a strong wind. Her friend’s encouragement even jumps into her mind as Tsubasa continues to struggle a bit with finding her own way beyond the fighting. What was it that Tsubasa used to love doing?

We again hear a bit about Chris’ true goals. She yells to Finè that she can extinguish the flames of war on her own with her own strength. We know Chris is being heavily used and manipulated. Has Finè tricked Chris into thinking she can put a stop to wars through violence? Finè pretty much confirms this at the end when she tells Chris that trying to stop war with violence is foolish because it will just spark more war. We heard through Chris’ song how angry and hurt she is… but she is still someone trying to prevent war? I think we’re being shown that there is more to Chris than just being an evil lackey for Finè.

Special Attacks In This Episode: 

Things You Should Pay Attention To: 

Both Finè and Ryoko Sakrui really like their butterflies.

Chris claims to hate singing, but she hums her little song. We only get to hear a few seconds of that tune, but try to keep it in mind. It will come back at some point.

Moment By Moment Notes: 

2:01 – Hibiki’s punch was almost as powerful as Tsubasa’s Superb Song?!

2:05 – The Nehushtan armor is repairing itself? Looks painful. Is it drawing on Chris’ life force to do so?

2:32 – We can understand each other if we talk

2:56 – It’s hard to tell, but I think Hibiki accidentally hit Chris as she dodged and redamaged Chris’ armor!

3:10 – A Symphogear transformation song?!

3:26 – Yep, a Symphogear named Ichii-Bal.

3:32 – So this is the other relic that was mentioned as having been lost in a previous episode…

3:52 – Chris hates singing?!

4:07 – Billion Maiden

4:15 – Mega Death Party

4:30 – Unleashing all that firepower tired Chris out.

4:42 – A shield? A sword!

4:52 – Chris is very perceptive here. And who did she hear Tsubasa’s private thoughts from??

5:13 – I need your help. (Wow! Now there’s some character growth!)

6:27 – So Finè finally shows herself to the others!

6:35 – Chris’ entire mission was to capture Hibiki, yet she threw Hibiki aside! And Chris’ real goal is to extinguish the flames of war??

6:39 – What curse on humanity is Chris talking about?

7:44 – Is she the one mentioned in the newspaper as having vanished way back in the first episode? Probably.

8:13 – How about being more human again? Wouldn’t that work?

8:54 – What did Tsubasa love to do a long time ago? Sing on stage?

10:22 – Tsubasa called Hibiki a comrade!

12:30 – Crush every human with the will and power to fight.

14:00 – Chris again says she hates singing. But she was humming a tune for a while there.

15:06 – Miku is sleeping in the bottom bunk now. That’s different.

16:16 – She sure does like her butterflies

16:26 – Hibiki might be able to sing her Superb Song without dying? Because she is fusing with a Relic?

17:15 Custodian’s Curse? Is this the first we’ve heard of that? Is this the cruse Chris mentioned??

19:44 – I don’t think I can be your friend anymore.

20:12 – Credits already?!

22:22 – And now Finè turns on Chris and Chris is alone!

22:35 – And Finè knows Chris never had the ability to stop all war!

23:08 – Kadingir?

23:37 – Is Chris going to die??