Bite-sized Backstory 12: War on Life

After their defeat of the Ammonites, the Hive hollow out some or maybe even all of Fundament’s 52 moons turning them into giant spaceships capable of traveling to distant star systems. I wonder if this process looked anything like what Crota was doing to our moon? For a very long time, the Hive’s fleet of moons travels through the cold dark between the stars. Interestingly, even though they are…

Bite-sized Backstory 11: Rampant Speculation 1

There are a few interesting questions I’ve put off until we could reach a good stopping point in the Hive’s timeline. A lot of little nuggets that don’t really have directly supported answers but are ripe for a little good ole fashioned Rampant Speculation. No sources this time (Calcified Fragments: Curiosity – XX: Hive if you must) as I’m trying to draw some fun…

Bite-sized Backstory 10: The Birth of the Hive

Auryx was dead. Murdered by his sister Savathûn along with all the members of the Ammonite Satellite Congress… Except, he wasn’t dead! Instead of being no more, he finds himself, minus his physical body, inside what the worm gods described to him as a cyst universe created by his own might. A “Throne World” they called it. All three royal siblings, the worm gods told him, now had this power to…

Bite-sized Backstory 9: Auryx’s Sadness

Auryx had done it! He had managed to get himself, his sisters, and a large number of his people off of their inhospitable, unforgiving world. They had traded the Stormjoys, and burning seas, and lightning storms, and the ever enveloping pitch black they’d been forced to live in for the serene beauty of space. As a navigator and astronomer, one would think Auryx would be ecstatic, but he was…

Bite-sized Backstory 8: The Conquest of Fundament

With the help of the worm gods, Auryx, Savathûn, and Xivu Arath load their deep diving needle ship with worm larvae and return to their Osmium Court. They begin to offer the worms’ larvae to any and all of their kind who will accept it. Those that refuse are killed or forced to flee! With the new might of worm-enhanced followers, the royal siblings lead an army against Taox. They push her…

Bite-sized Backstory 7: The Go[o]d Worms

After leaving the Leviathan behind, Aurash, Sathona, and Xi Ro finally complete their journey towards Fundament’s core. They had done some pretty crazy things over the past few years. Exploring wrecks, eating food from the sea, sailing into stormy waters… and all while in exile and on the run for their lives. But what Aurash does next, almost certainly at the behest of Sathona’s familiar, is…

Bite-sized Backstory 6: The Cryptic Leviathan

We aren’t told how long the three brave sisters’ initial dive towards the core of Fundament took, but given that it is a gas giant, we can probably assume that it took days or weeks. During that time, they passed through several layers far beneath their suspended ocean. They encountered vast creatures swimming through the increasingly solid layers of gas and liquid metal. Xi Ro even took some…

Bite-sized Backstory 5: The Ancient Needle

After an exhilarating year exploring Fundament’s seas, the three brave exiled sisters found the most extraordinary thing adrift in the turbulent waters of the Shvubi Malestrom: A long, slender, gray colored ship that was obviously built by a species with skills and technology far beyond that of the Osmium Court. Sathona’s dead familiar whispers to her that it has been here since long before…

Bite-sized Backstory 4: Familiar Ideas

Some weeks before her father was overthrown, and she and her two sisters escaped into exile, Aurash, the eldest of the three heirs to the Osmium Court, was sent on an expedition by her father, the king, to a distant site called the Tungsten Monoliths. The Osmium King had certainly been acting strangely of late, pouring over ancient texts and locking himself in the royal orrery, a room-sized…

Bite-sized Backstory 3: The Hesitant Oath

Shortly after the three sisters escaped their overthrown kingdom, but long before they found something incredible in a far away maelstrom, Aurash suggested that each of them take an oath in response to what had happened to them. They each, in turn, stabbed themselves through a fleshy part of their left hands with their knifes and carved a short, blood-soaked line down the sides of the mast of…